With the advent of the computer and the ability to display reality virtually, a few personal experiments come to mind. One of my earliest interdisciplinary laboratories was at Digital Productions, Hollywood (1982-1987). In the production of One Thousand Question Marks, I collaborated with the computer to randomly fill a three dimensional void with simulated geometric characters. Object placement, orientation and color were decided at random distribution, inside the computer.

The outcome of the performances were informed by chance. Similarly, the computer, left to its own devices, has a collective mind of its own. As an artist, this is the fundamental driver in the selection of the computer as a creative partner.

This style of generative art delegates considerable authority to the computer. The choice of content, design, spatial constraints and random number generation, requires human collaboration. The outcome is a creative partnership, whose man-machine proportions are currently governed by the artist.

These final images were rendered in 1984 at Digital Productions in Hollywood, California and mastered on 4 by 5 film with an optical digital film printer built by David Rudhoff and John Whitney, Sr.

"One Thousand Question Marks" by Shelley Lake

"One Thousand Question Marks" was made in 1984 at Digital Productions in Hollywood, California. John Whitney, Jr. and Gary Demos were the founders of Digital Productions in 1982. Gary Demos was the chief engineer behind DP3D, the proprietary software used to make this image. The hardware employed was a Cray X-MP, at the time the fastest supercomputer in the world, capable of more than one billion calculations per second. At Digital Productions we created 27 minutes of computer generated imagery for "The Last Starfighter" in the span of two years. "The Last Starfighter" was one of the first feature films to make extensive use of three dimensional scene simulation and won an Academy Award in 1985 for Scientific and Engineering Achievement.

"Geometric Primitives" by Shelley Lake (1984, Digital Productions)

"One hundred Thousand Dollars" by Shelley Lake (1984, Digital Productions)

"Instruments" by Shelley Lake (1984, Digital Productions)